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Community Social Pediatrics Clinic Referral Form

Click the button below to visit our Outcome Tracker site and make a Referral to the POP Centre  


Thank you for considering a referral to the POP Centre, our Saint John Community Social Pediatrics Centre. The POP Centre supports children with severe social, behavioural, and/or academic difficulties who also face significant barriers in accessing care. If the family has a primary care provider, we ask that the family reach out to them first as they are an important member of the team and will be able to support the family sooner. This clinic is not designed to see children and youth for acute medical needs or for primary care needs.


Once we receive your referral, the family will be contacted by our team for a conversation to help navigate services and/or help support while waiting for a formal appointment with the Pediatrician.

NOTE: We cannot accept referrals if the child/youth:
  • has previously seen another local Pediatrician,
  • is over 18-years-old, or
  • lives outside of our Health region (we service Sussex to Charlotte county/St Stephen).
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