About Us
New Brunswick Social Pediatrics (NBSP) is a network of clinicians, researchers, service providers, academics, students, volunteers, and families that are devoted to improving the health and wellness of children and families. NBSP operates a social pediatrics clinic and research program within Horizon Health Network, as well as a non-profit organization and registered charity. We have affiliations with academic institutions, strong ties in the community, and partnerships with government.
Our vision is a community where children are valued, respected and able to reach their fullest potential in a safe, healthy, and supportive environment.
To create a safe, supportive, and equitable environment for children and families, where rights are respected
To positively impact the community with services, resources,
and knowledge that empowers children and families
To deliver evidence-based programs to support the health and wellness of children, families, and the community
We value children and are committed to upholding their rights.
We value families and their right to dignity, and self-efficacy.
We value our community and embrace equity, inclusion, and diversity