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NB Social Pediatrics (NBSP), operating under Horizon Health Network, is an interprofessional team that is implementing a new model of care for children and families in southern New Brunswick. Through the support of the Saint John Regional Hospital Foundation, the Social Pediatrics Research Program launched in October 2017.

You can also visit our Cureus channel to find our most recent publications:

Community Social Pediatrics Clinic
We run a Community Social Pediatrics Clinic in Saint John that provides:
Legal Aid
Family Services
Social Work
Through our Clinic, we explore research questions around:

Ensuring access to our programs and services is equitable and efficient

Investigating ways to navigate a complex and, at times, fragmented system of care

Improving wait times and access to care

Evaluating service delivery location

Avoiding ineffective service duplication, but recognizing that our most vulnerable cannot get "too much" service

Understanding the needs of the child family

Evaluating how we meet children and families' basic needs

Increasing services and support for mental health addictions

Ensuring a supportive working environment

Implementing best practices to address stress and burnout in those working to support children and families

Strengthening relationships with our clients and partners

Implementing best practices to address stress and burnout in those working to support children and families

When we do our research, we are guided by a Child's Right to:

Through our research, we will have evidence we can apply to improve Quality of Life, Health, and Long-term Outcomes for children and Families
  • Provide input into their care (12)

  • Have their basic needs met (27)

  • Develop their strengths, talents, and abilities (29)

  • Quality education (28), play and rest (31)

  • Culturally-sensitive and respectful care (30)

  • Protection from harmful drugs (33)

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